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All major policy changes for our communities, our health, our economy, our laws and our environment begin with one person persuading someone else that they have a good idea.   

Brent Farrand, Founding Director, Jersey Urban Debate League; former Head Coach, Newark Science High Debate team

Why Support NYU CEDA?

Empower the next generation of critical thinkers

NYU CEDA embraces tough conversations on power structures, sexual orientation, and global citizenship through research, competition, and public events. Your support is crucial to cover costs for transportation, lodging, meals, fees, and coaching. Join us in empowering diverse voices, fostering social justice, and preparing students for success beyond debate. 


Believe in the Power of Debate.

Increased demands for new and better university services, the after effects of the pandemic, unionization and shifts in federal and local government support continue to strain university budgets even as we are confronted by evidence from all over the globe of the importance of civic discourse, informed decision making and critical thinking.  The NYU CEDA Debate team equips students with invaluable research, analytic and speaking skills.  Those skills enhance their job prospects, build confidence and develop awarensss of a global of what it means to become GREAT at something. 

We urge all parents, alumni, and allies who recognize the transformative power of debate to safeguard your NYU team's legacy with donations of talents, time and treasure.

Donate By Mail

Checks should be payable to NYU. Please mail checks to Global Debate Fund, Attn Will Baker 135 Eastern Parkway Suite 2A1 Brooklyn, NY 11238.

In-Kind Support

To donate items directly to the team, please reach out to our dedicated donation coordinator for more information on how you can contribute. Your generosity will directly impact the success and growth of our team. To donate items directly to the team, please fill out our In-Kind Support Form.

Every dollar counts: invest in a brighter future
(Donations will go live this Fall through the NYU portal once we determine our new allocation codes)


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