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NYUCEDA Services 

Please complete the intake form prior to requesting services. 

Coaching Assistance

We offer individual private lessons, team training series, workshops, online classes and candidates to fill existing coaching vacancies.

Program Development

Will Baker and his coaching staff have assisted in starting more than 60 speech and debate programs across NYC in all five boroughs. He and his staff can help principals and school leadership teams in understanding costs, liability, needs, parental involvement and identifying teachers to serve as advisors and coaches.

Special Appearances

Our team is available for recruitment presentations to your student body, motivational speeches before major tournaments & support sessions following a difficult tournament experience.

Revolving Coaches Fund

For schools or afterschool programs that wish to "test-drive" a series of students instead of simply gambling on one as their coach, the Revolving Coaching Fund is a great option. Using the RCF creates a wider set of possible coaches since many students have too many existing time commitments to oversee a debate team and remain a highly-competitive intercollegiate debater. Schools contract with the team instead of an individual on a fee-for-service basis. We identify a set of interested students available at their designated meeting times and tailor an appropriate curriculum. After one semester, the school can pick a coach or continue with the RCF model. Major benefits of the RCF are it’s budget friendly and insulates schools from the pitfalls of a single candidate (e.g. illness, midterms, or other changes in availability) that can derail a program’s success.

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